Saturday, May 21, 2011


My mom will be sending us a card with some money on it. It's a prepaid Visa card that we can use for emergencies. If we use up the whole card, she can send us more money, so that's always nice, just in case something bad happens.

In other news, I tried biking from Manti to Spring City (30+ miles round trip) but about a mile out of Ephraim found that the excessive rain and small amount of road made it nearly impossible. If nothing all of this has proven to me that we should have more road on the road, as leway for bikers. Biking through mud is about 5 to 10 times more effort than biking on pavement.

I'm trying to find out if Ireland and Scotland have paved biking trails. I'd hate to get there and not be able to really do much. I'm pretty sure England will be very bike friendly.

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